Thursday, June 17, 2010

turtles, zebras and dolphins oh my!

we went to the honolulu zoo.

i swam in a waterfall in waimea nature park.

i ate/drank a fresh cocoanut.

i swam with a dolphin at the sea life park.

his name was Kaleo which means loud sound, which he sure makes lots of!
Kaleo was the dolphin in 50 first dates! so i swam with a movie star ;)

we danced.
he kissed me.
i kissed him.

they had penguins and sea lions. i was in love.

dolphin facts:
they have 88 teeth.
they're over 8 ft long and 500 pounds.
they can hold their breath for 10 minutes.
they respond to body language. trainers use body/hand signals.
they're camoflauged for the ocean.
they have slits for ears.
they eat fish.
they have only 1 set of teeth, no baby teeth.
the first tall tales of mermaids originated from drunk crazy seamen who saw dolphins and thought they looked like human females with tails. haha. crazy bastards.
similarities to humans: they're mammals, they give live birth, they nurse their young, they have 5 finger-like bones in their pectoral fins, they have sex for pleasure, they rape (not a fun similarity), they breath air.\

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

mahalo e ke akua no keia la

yesterday me, jen and joe all went out to eat at hardrock cafe.
it was DELICIOUS. and very fun.

then we went to Waikiki beach.
we layed out.
the boys went spear fishing.
it was an amazing afternoon.

we watched the sunset on the beach.
it was more breathtaking than i could have imagined.

we ate dinner at chop suey.
squid, chicken and beef. mmmmmm. and hot tea.
it was deliiiicious. i broadened my food horizons :)

today i babysat hudson again.
we went swimming and went to get ice cream.
i love my life.

mahalo e ke akua no keia la means "Thanks be to God for this day."

Sunday, June 6, 2010

hickam shallows bring little swallows :)

well to catch you lovelies up to speed
thursday: nannying the lil hudsonmonster. he's precious.
we walked a mile to safeway to buy bouncie balls.
a mile back home, part of the way with me acting as a mule to ride. :)
we played hide and go seek.
we read comic books.
we played action figures (i was the green power ranger and ice man.)

we walked 1/2 a mile to the pool.
went swimming. he's quite the little fishy.
ate a picnic lunch on the playground nearby.
went swimming some more.
played tag and i spy at the playground.
walked 1/2 a mile home.
played more action figures (i was raphael and the corvette transformer, very cool).
it was an exhausting day.

friday: took it easy.
started reading "The Wedding" by Nicholas Sparks.
Amazing writing as usual Mr. Sparks.
He's serving to inspire me.

Wrote a million postcards and letters.

Had a relaxing friday.
Watched the sunrise with my roomie Joe.

It seems to rise so suddenly, much quicker than Oklahoma's slow creeping summer sunrises.

saturday: helped with chores around the house.
continued reading.
went with jen to Hickam Shallows.
You can walk out almost a mile into the ocean it's so shallow.

there were these amazing little birds hanging out near our tanning spot.

we drove around hickam airforce base and pearl harbor navy base.
i can't wait to tour the memorials.

coming soon!
more nannying adventures.
dole pineapple plantation tour.
going to eat a real cocoanut!
visiting Waikiki Zoo.
and many more beaches :)

a few quotes from others more worldly than I about the love of an ocean:

"we saw the western coast...nurse the shoreline like a wound" brand new

"the cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea" Isak Dinesen

"i dropped a tear in the ocean and whenever they find it i'll stop loving you, only then" anonymous

and one of my own:

"as the tide ebbs away the dry sand like a persistant child tugging at his mother's sleeve, so i am alternately soothed and urged to remember the child i once was and the woman i am becoming."