Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yesterday I layed out on a hawaii beach for the first time.
It's a lot chillier than California or Florida with the mist and the wind.
It was breathtakingly beautiful.

We went to Bellows Beach which is a private military beach.
We saw cute marines training. It was fun.
We took the scenic route home and stopped a lot for pictures.

This isn't about a specific person, it's a metaphor, the lover=home.
Although I did see a BEAUTIFUL boy with blue eyes running on the beach yesterday,
and he may have been an itty bitty inspiration hahaha.

Reminders of Home

The pull of the ocean
Forces its way into my dreams
I feel it push its way
Into my body
And pull me back for more
I wake reminded of you
And your tug of war games.

It's all way too bright here
I'm assaulted by pinks
Bright blues and startling greens
This land is full of colors from dreams
Surreal in its naturally made
Unnatural schemes
I'm reminded of the calm earth tones of gray streets
Brown houses, pale blue eyes.

I smell the salt in the air
Hummus being made
Real cocoanuts and pineapples
Sold on the street
Bartering rich goods for cheap
Begging for a sale
I'm reminded how I begged you to buy my heart for free
How did you find me here?


I feel peace begin to
Unfold in my soul
Like a child stretching and
Untangling themselves
From sleep
As my mind struggles
To hold onto
Anger and Worries
Stress and Cares
Should've and Could'ves
Can'ts and Won'ts
Bills and Payments
Let Wind relax me
Let Ocean lull me
Let Warmth secure me
Let Rain cleanse me
Let Wave serenade me
I will not fight
Against my peace

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